dimanche 23 mai 2010

New Architecture in Belgium

This website is for those who wants to step out of the box and take a closer look to what Belgium is now made of.
Because in times like these days, we struggle to believe that Belgium is going forward... Here is a resume of all the concrete ideas and projects that helps us believe that Architecture stands in this country.

This website is dedicated to all the young belgian (and non-belgian) architects who enters the professional world.
Because we are young and naive... Let's stay that way! It makes us believe...

L'objectif de toute éducation devrait être de projeter chacun dans l'aventure d'une vie à découvrir, à orienter, à construire. (Albert JACQUARD)

1 commentaire:

  1. So true! Let's unite Belgium with architecture. And let's be proud of what we are here in Europe.

    Great start Christabel! :-)
